Solar Energy Experts Rhone Resch, Kevin Smith, Jim Coombes with Environmental Powerhouses Ted Turner and T. Boone Pickens at AREDAY Summit Aug. 18-21

Posted on August 9, 2011

Several experts in the field of solar energy will be among the 100 speakers at this year’s Summit. Rhone Resch, President and CEO of Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Kevin Smith, CEO of Solar Reserve, and Jim Coombes, with Project Finance and Strategic Planning for REC Solar, will join heavy weights such as Ted Turner and T Boone Pickens in the four days of conversation about renewable energy.

Resch will be part of the panel discussion on The Path to a Low Carbon Future, which takes place on Thursday, August 18. Smith will be part of two Friday morning panel discussions. One is entitled, “In the Black with Green – Converting to a Clean and Carbon Currency;” the other topic is, “Putting Renewables to Work.” Jim Coombes will be on a Saturday morning panel titled,Perspectives on Financing Renewable Projects.”

A complete agenda is available at

AREDAY’s purpose is to foster immediate action that addresses climate change through renewable energy development and deployment. The eighth annual AREDAY summit, themed “Putting the Green in Green: Monetizing Carbon in the Global Economy,” offers attendees, exhibitors and sponsors the opportunity to engage with global environmental powerhouses.

Some of the prominent speakers include American media mogul and environmental philanthropist Ted Turner, United Nations Foundation president Tim Wirth, Rocky Mountain Institute chairman Amory Lovins, U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), asset manager and environmentalist Tom Steyer, BP Capital Management founder and advanced energy advocate T. Boone Pickens and others – on the immediate opportunities for generating capital while addressing climate change.

“We decided on the theme in order to showcase new technology and trends that prove we can make money from carbon,” said Chip Comins, founder and executive director of AREDAY. Comins points to the carbon fiber used in the Hypercar created by Amory Lovins, as well as the liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2) used in enhanced oil recovery.

The four-day summit features six tracks: Climate Investments; Energy Solutions; Governance and Policy; Climate Literacy and Communication; Food, Water and Human Health in a Changing Climate; and Natural Systems in Jeopardy. Each day will end with an interactive roundtable discussion. These concepts will then be translated into an actionable post-conference roadmap, to encourage the implementation of the ideas discussed at AREDAY.

In addition, the summit will include a two-day expo (April 20 and 21) featuring businesses, utilities and organizations involved in the implementation of renewable energy, as well as the provision of cutting-edge sustainable products, systems and services.

For additional information on sponsorship opportunities and registration deadlines, visit To learn more about exhibiting at the AREDAY 2011 Expo, log on to


Since 2004, American Renewable Energy Day (AREDAY) has been bringing top leaders and educators together to promote the rapid deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency strategies via demonstrations, presentations, performances, film screenings and dialogue. Each year, AREDAY has hosted nationally and internationally renowned speakers and attracted attendees from across the globe – resulting in unique, powerful cross-sector collaborations and actions around the climate change issue. For more information, visit


ABOUT: American Renewable Energy Day Summit (AREDAY) is a forum promoting powerful cross-sector dialogue and collaborations.The 8th annual Summit is August 17 – 21 at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen, CO.Environmental powerhouses like Ted Turner, Tim Wirth, Amory Lovins, T.Boone Pikens, Dr. Heidi Cullen, Dr. Jane Lubchenco and Leilani Munter gather with business leaders, scientists and Hollywood activists to foster immediate action to address climate change through renewable energy development and deployment.


Posted in: Climate Change